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AP GoPo Required Supreme Court Cases

Marbury vs Madison (1803)

Established Judicial Review


Brown v Board of Education (1954)

Ended "Separate but Equal"

Gideon v Wainwright (1963)

Established the right to an attorney if one cannot afford counsel. 

Wisconsin v Yoder (1972)

Held that parents did not have to send their kids to high school as it violated their religious belief. 

United States v Lopez (1995)

Overturned School gun free zones stating that the Commerce Clause does not give Congress authority to regulate guns at/near schools. 

McCulloch v Maryland (1819)

Established National Supremacy

Baker v Carr (1961)

Established "One Man, One Vote"

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)

Held that students freedom of speech/expression does "not stop at the schoolhouse gate." 

Roe V Wade (1973)

Legalized abortion

McDonald v Chicago (2010)

Applied the previous ruling in D.C. v Heller which allows individuals the right to bear arms in all states. (14th amendment)

Schenck v United States (1919)

Limited Freedom of Expression if there is "clear and present danger"

Engel v Vitale (1962)

Held that school sponsored prayer (public school) is unconstitutional. 

New York Times v United States (1971)

Expanded freedom of the press; limited government's ability to quiet the press. 

Shaw v Reno (1993)

Prohibited racial gerrymandering

Citizens United v FEC (2010)

Held that under the First Amendment corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in candidate elections cannot be limited

Mrs. Rubnerth's World

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