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AP GoPo Required  Documents

Declaration of Independence

The Same Subject Continued – The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection

by James Madison

A strong Republic with a strong government will help to protect against factions better than state run confederate government

Federalist No 70

Federalist support and justification for a single executive. 

Articles of Confederation

The first government of the United States. It failed and was replaced by the US Constitution

Brutus 1

Anti-Federalist opposition to the stronger central government of the Constitution

Federalist No 78

Federalist support and justification for the judicial branch outlined in Article III of the Constitution. 

United States Constitution

The government of the United States since 1789. 

Federalist No 51

Federalist argument justifying checks and balances

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Written by Martin Luther King Jr from jail about civil rights, equal protection and justification for (non-violent) protest. 

Mrs. Rubnerth's World

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